Thanks to all of you that participated in the Christmas Quilt Long last weekend. I really had a good time and hope you did too. I was a little overwhelmed by the number of emails. I'm sorry if I didn't get to respond to each of you but know that I read each and everyone.
Not much personal quilting going on this week. I'm getting ready for yet another show. This one is the One Stop Shop Hop in Lancaster, South Carolina. The guilds in Lancaster County are putting this on for the 5th year in a row. It is held in the Bradley Building on the University of South Carolina - Lancaster campus.
Held for one day only - this Saturday (the 19th) - from 9 am until 4 pm. If you are google mapping or mapquesting or GPSing (don't you love the new terms?!), the address is 509 Hubbard Drive, Lancaster, SC.
I'm pretty sure there will be 28 vendors there this year.
The two patterns that I wrote are now available on the website.
Took me long enough, huh? I hope to be adding more stuff soon.
I did add a place on the front page for you to sign up for my new email newsletter. Go here to sign up and you will be put on the mailing list. Hopefully I will be able to send out a monthly newsletter. No more than that! I don't think I could keep up!
Blessings, Cathi