Don't ask God to make your life easier, ask Him to make you a stronger person.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

I just can't wait . . . . .

Some of my favorite designers ..... all sharing and caring ..... about ME ....... and you, too!

Blessings, Cathi


My Colonial Home said...

I'll be anxious to see what all this is!

Joanna said...

I'll be watching out for this. Sounds good.

Karen L. said...

Hi, I just stumbled across a business card I got from your booth at the Greensboro show and found your blog. Bought some nice wool from you and it is good to see that you have a "store" for when I need more. Did I mention that I love wool applique even though I don't get to do much at the moment? I hope to change that next year.