Don't ask God to make your life easier, ask Him to make you a stronger person.

Monday, March 28, 2011

How fun is this ?! . . . . .

I bought 2 yards of this fun toile fabric by Alexander Henry called "midnight pastoral" .  This is just a one of the scenes.

I'm thinking a very traditional quilt with this as the background and oranges and blacks for the rest of the quilt.  I would like to make the pattern that uses the snowball block and the nine-patch in an alternating pattern.  Does that have a formal name?  I could do the math myself but if it's already been done. . . . . .

Apparently this fabric has been out for at least a year and I didn't know it.  I don't get out much . . . . . .

Blessings, Cathi

Friday, March 25, 2011

Happy Rudy Day! . . . . .

Finally posted again on my Christmas blog after 8 long months away from that one.  I think all the spammers have been taken care of.

Hope to get some Christmas quilting/sewing done today that I can show you later on.

Enjoy your day!

Blessings, Cathi

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What you missed . . . . .

if you didn't make it to the quilt show in Sumter.  I was amazed at the number of quilts in this show.  And the quality of the quilts.  It was held in an old historic building that now houses the Sumter County Fine Arts Council among other things.  Beautiful architecture.

Also, a little awkward setting up the booth.  The vendors were to set up in the dining hall.  Here is my space before I set up . . . . . I won't bore you with another of my booth setups.

But look at the architectural details!

Here are a few of the many quilts they had . . . . .

first one of plaids.  Boy, do I have enough plaids to do several of these.

And a penny rug quilt . . . . .

And some more fun ones that I just liked . . . . .

And the detail . . . .

Look what you can do with giant rick-rack !

Or with leftover hexagons !

And more plaids !

It's late and I need to sign off for tonight.  Hope you enjoyed this little visit and get inspired like I did!

Blessings, Cathi

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sumter, South Carolina . . . . .

That's where I will be this weekend.  The Swan Lake Quilt Guild will be holding their quilt show this weekend.  It is Saturday from 10 until 4 and Sunday from 1 until 4 in Patriot Hall, downtown Sumter, South Carolina.  Click on their website link above to get more details.

I have been dying lots of wool again this week.  This is what's left . . . . .

and this to overdye . . . . . . .
but that will have to wait for another day.  I will actually have a few weeks "off" until the next show.  Just enough time to do the dreaded taxes, clean and maybe even do a little yard work.

Some of you have shown interest in a kit for the "Sunflowers" pattern by Primitive Gatherings.  Well, I just want you to know that I am really getting close to finishing.  Here's proof . . . . . 

There are 13 golds in this kit along with browns, greens and reds.  Definitely the most involved kit yet.  I still have the greens to finish and a sample to make.  Don't know the price yet but will let you know when it is available.  Good thing I kept good notes!

Coming up in April ......... Lincoln and Rutherford Counties in North Carolina.  More details soon.

If you haven't been to the website lately, I have added a sign up for a monthly(ish) newsletter.  Hop on over there and sign up today.  I guarantee I won't send out emails more than once a month.  Who has time !?!

Blessings, Cathi

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Thanks to all . . . . .

for your kind comments about my brother.  They meant a lot.  I'm sorry if I didn't get to reply back to all the emails.

Brother #1 (SeabeeBoy) and I cleaned out Dave's room at the nursing home on Wednesday.  It was kind of sad to think his whole life was compacted to one 10' x 15' room there.  Many of the staff came up to us during the day saying how they would miss his sense of humor and winning smile.

The three amigos .... SeabeeBoy, FiberGuy and Dave

Thursday had me taking SeabeeBoy to the airport so he could fly back home and the rest of the day trying to figure out where to put the rest of Dave's stuff in my already overcrowded house.

I tell you all that to explain why I didn't participate in this past weekend's Christmas Quilt Along.  Sue's probably mad at me 'cause I didn't even put up the reminder.  I meant to Sue, really I did!

After the week I had, that left me with only Friday to get ready for a show which fortunately was Saturday only.  It was the annual meeting of the Quilters of South Carolina.  270 women came to hear Susan Cleveland speak to the group in Orangeburg.  A town that houses South Carolina State that is located 30 miles east of the state capital of Columbia.  We had a wonderful day and sales were brisk.

The next show is this weekend.  I'll post a little about it this week ........ and keep apologizing for not even mentioning the Quilt Along this past week!!

Blessings, Cathi

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

And then there were four . . . . .

Sorry I've been away so long.  

My brother, David, passed away last night after a long battle.  He was left a quadriplegic after a car accident in 1989.   22 years in that condition is a long time.  

Dave is on the right in this 1983 photo of the five of us.

Circa 1963 just before my sister was born.  Pudgy little Dave is in the middle.

He died peacefully and he wasn't alone.

Blessings, Cathi