Don't ask God to make your life easier, ask Him to make you a stronger person.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Up to my elbows in hot water . . . . .

I don't want you to think I am ignoring you. I have been up to my elbows dying wool and making kits and making samples and redesigning my booth.

After my last show of the year (which is next weekend) I hope I can get back to some REAL sewing for me.  And some real blogging and commenting.  I have been able to skim some blogs on my sidebar but that is about it.

And for those who have asked, as you can see in the picture above, I am still trying to find the elusive barn red we are so desperately looking for.  I think a lot of it has to do with my water.  We have horrible, horrible well water.  It's made better with a water treatment system and water softener.  The water softener is on it's last leg.  We have wound up replacing it about every 7 years and it's time again.

Dear Hubby is insisting that we take the day off tomorrow and head to the mountains for one last apple hunt, enjoy the scenery and eat breakfast at Daniel Boone Inn.

A picture from last year
As you can see from last year's picture, almost all the leaves were spent.  We are hoping we make it in time tomorrow to see a little better view.  But if not, it will be worth the time spending the day alone with my sweetie!

Now, off to the dye pot . . . . . . 

Blessings, Cathi

Friday, October 15, 2010

Finally a home . . . .

Last summer, I bought this great spice cabinet on our trip to San Antonio.

I painted the edges to match the accent color in the house and hung on the kitchen wall . . . . .

Then found a new home for all my Cushing dyes.  So much more convenient than in the box I had them in . . . . .

There are 96 Cushing dyes all together.  I only have 50 so far.  I can't fit them all in here  and I might not even need them but it will work for now.

Blessings, Cathi

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Great Coverup . . . . .

Sinta and Sherri have thrown down the gauntlet again.  Besides the new LePetit (a year of small projects), they have challenged us to cover up those less-than-beautiful ironing boards.  Here is mine . . . . .

The beautiful BEFORE picture

With the hole that was all the way through to the foam underneath . . . . .

Here is the base.  I received this board as a "gift" from my college roommate.  ie: she didn't want to take it home when she graduated so she left it for me.  And that was over 32 years ago!!!

I fused the hole shut over the foam . . . . .

Added another layer of batting on top of the old cover and foam . . . . .

And added one of my favorite Waverly home dec fabrics on top with a drawstring to keep it in place . . . .   This whole project cost me $ 0.00 and 2 hours of time.  What a deal !!

I had intended to spray paint the legs and add some new rubber feet.  But I figured I had spent enough time on this project that day and would get back to it later.  You know how that goes.

If you would like to join the Great Coverup, you have until Friday to get yours covered up and tell Sinta or Sherri.  No problem . . . . . you can do it !!

Blessings, Cathi

Monday, October 11, 2010

York County Quilters quilt show . . . . .

Yes, I'm still here but have been so busy with business related stuff, I just haven't seemed to have time to read blogs.  Tonight I am giving a lecture at a local guild and need to prepare for that soon.

But first a quick post on this past weekend's show. . . . 

First is a quilt that Dear Hubby really liked.  When the other half says he really likes a quilt, you listen !

a picture of the only wool quilt in the show !  I really need to convert these people !!  Notice it won a ribbon . . . . .

A few quilts from Teresa of Stitchin' Friends . . . . . and one won a ribbon!  Way to go Teresa.

I participated in this row quilt.  My row is the sixth one down.  I couldn't remember at first which row I had done until I looked at the piecing.  None of my points match !!  Now I wonder where my row quilt is?  I'm sure in the "needs to be quilted" box.

 This quilt was made from a class I taught many years ago.  Peg said she had just gotten around to quilting it recently.  Hey, it's done!  More than I can say for my class sample.

Here are a few more that I just liked . . . . .

The rows were kind of close together so it was hard to take a picture of the whole quilt.  I hope you enjoyed the few that I showed.

My next show is in New Bern on Halloween weekend.  I have a few days to get caught back up with housework, etc.  Then it's back to dying more wool and making more samples!

I also want to make a public apology to QuiltSue for not being able to participate in the Christmas Quilt-a-long.  I will definitely will be there in November.  I hope you can, too!

Blessings, Cathi

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Quilters of South Carolina . . . . .

We had a wonderful weekend in the middle of the state. . . . all 290 of us!  4 of the 290 ,were Teresa of Stitchin' FriendsJoyce of One Loose Thread, Karen of Quilting with Karen, and Vickie of Jackson Patch Quilting.  Joyce was even in my needlekeeper class.  Maybe she will blog about it since I totally forgot to take pictures in that class!  Hint, hint, Joyce!

We were at White Oak, a baptist convention center near Winnsboro.  Beautiful facility but the food leaves something to be desired.  That's okay . . . . .we weren't there to eat. . . . we were there to sew!

Pictures of my pincushion class, hard at work!

And the only picture I took of the 15 pincushions made in class . . . .

My samples on the wall . . . . .

I even managed to get a picture of my roomie . . . . .  She keeps me in stitches . . . . (get it? . . . . stitches . . . . .quilting . . . . . I crack myself up . . . .)

And while watching roomie make a spectacle of herself speech, I took a picture of another one of my best quilting buds working on her crazy quilt block.

We just finished on Sunday and I am ready to go back!

Blessings, Cathi