Don't ask God to make your life easier, ask Him to make you a stronger person.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

She's finally here !!!!!!!

Do I sound excited enough yet?!  Sweet Baby Girl finally made it into the world this afternoon.  She is going to be as stubborn as the aunt that is holding her!

And at 8lbs. 5oz., she is a little butterball ......... I almost look like I am struggling to hold her up!

I think the new Papa is thinking more like the size of a football.  Sure hope this little girl likes football and pizza 'cause she sure was born into a family that likes a lot of both!!

I'm off to take a nap.  The waiting can be VERY tiring!!

Maybe now that she is here, I can get this blog back to the quilting ...... and I can get to more hugs and kisses!!

Blessings, Cathi

Monday, December 24, 2012

Not a creature was stirring, not even a baby .......

The Married One and SIL this afternoon.  As you can see ...... we're still waiting.  Only 3 days late ......

And she has hung around long enough this evening for all my babies to be in a group picture.  As they said, "All four and a half" of them.

Merry Christmas from my family to yours!

Blessings, Cathi

Friday, December 21, 2012

The doctor visit went great but still no baby today.  

The world didn't end today - which is good.  Now I will still be able to meet my granddaughter.

I texted the Married One this morning.  I told her the Christmas cards were all addressed and signed ..... just waiting on a baby picture to put inside ..... she said she passed along the info to Sweet Baby Girl.  

Apparently SBG isn't going to listen to her mother, either!

Can't have a post without a picture ......

Blessings, Cathi

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Thanks for all the suggestions of what to do with the leftover fabric from SBG's quilt.

I went up to the Married One's house (or should I say the VPO - Very Pregnant One's) last week to take a surprise to her.  I kept thinking, "What could I give SBG that would be so me that no one else would think of?"  The answer .... a Christmas tree of her own.

It's a beginning .... something to be added to over the years.  She has a few "Baby's First Christmas - 2012" ornaments already along with some Baby's First Christmas outfits.  She's not here yet and still has 6 days to go.  If she isn't here, they will make for some fun discussions in the future!

I used some of the leftover fabric to make a tree skirt for the tree.

It doesn't look very pretty yet.  It's just the top with the circles fused on.  I told Married One that I would finish it properly with decorative stitching and embellishments before next year.

There is still enough fabric left for another surprise for her.  It's already started and it should use up the rest of the fabric just nicely.

Married One goes to the doctor again on Thursday.  Due date is Friday but she was born 2 weeks late.  I don't know if Mawmaw will be able to handle the suspense!

Blessings, Cathi

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sweet Baby Girl . . . . .

I finished Sweet Baby Girl's quilt this morning!

The binding is down and it has been washed and lovingly crinkled by the dryer.

This Mama has even managed to make the quilting look like the backing fabric.

I'm just tickled pink at how it turned out.  And there is just enough scraps to make a smaller quilt.  I must use them up because I can't think of a single room in my house that would use these colors!!

Blessings, Cathi